UK Stock:
You can buy fish now from Stockists/Vendors up and down the UK. Contact us with your requirements and we can source available fish and prices for you.
Prices for fish will Vary depending on the Vendor, Size and Condition of the fish.
Asian Suppliers:
We source and ship fish from almost every Asian Arowana supplier, in Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia. We do however, recommend a number of suppliers for the dedication to quality exports and unique varieties. If you are considering being selective of the origions of your fish then consider the following:
We import the highest quality hand picked Asian Arowana from across Asia on regular shipments. Due to the documentation costs, booking time and selection there is approximately an 8 week period between us committing to a shipment and the fish arriving in the UK.
Please contact us to book one or several fish for this shipment, or Visit our shop and buy your fish now!
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